Tuesday, April 19, 2011

"She got the medicine that everybody wants" - Grace Potter and the Nocturnals

Grace Potter on the Organ | Photo: Rachel DeHayes
I was grumpy. Then I turned on my Grace Potter and the Nocturnals playlist, and it is truly amazing how much better I feel! Music really does a soul good; especially music from amazingly talented musicians like GPN. I was lucky enough to not only snag tickets to her sold-out show here at the New Orleans House of Blues, but also to stake out prime reality in the front row directly in front of her organ. GPN on itunes + reminiscing about the show = much happier Rachel. Here's hoping you all find the "medicine" too! 
Grace singing to ME! | Photo: Rachel DeHayes

GPN Set List for the NOLA show

1 comment:

  1. Literally listened to Grace Potter the whole way to and from atl this weekend! "That Phone" will be my anthem if I am ever in that situation. :-P
