Monday, January 31, 2011

"Live well...Laugh often...Love much!" - John McLeod

Photo: Rachel DeHayes     
Live….Laugh…and Love 

By John McLeod

Live well dear friends 
In all you do, 
Tho' paths be old 
Or paths be new, 
But to yourself 
Be ever true, 
Live well!
Laugh often friends 
Tho' passing years 
Bring, sometimes, smiles 
And, sometimes, tears, 
For mirth forever 
Warms and cheers 
Laugh often!
Love much dear friends 
For love will bring 
The healing joy 
And hope of Spring, 
Where pain and fear may never dwell 
Nor anguish touch….
And so Live well, 
Laugh often too, 
And more, dear friends, 
Love much!

The condensed (aka Target wall decal) version of this John McLeod poem, entitled "Live...Laugh...and Love," hangs over my bed in my New Orleans apartment. In decorating a room, I've never been one for posters. Most likely for the same reason I will never get a tattoo: there is nothing in picture/symbol form that I care about so much that I need it to be permanent. Not that posters are permanent, but I fear I'll tire of the latest movie title or trendy, abstract photo. So, when I found these three simple words that I paired with wine and accompanying grapes, I knew it was perfect for me. These are the first words I see in the morning, and the last words I see before going to bed. They are a subtle reminder to take a moment to reflect on life, to embrace the joy of laughter, and to relish all the love that I am so lucky to have and to give. 

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